Without a doubt, it's the single most versatile incense burner ever made! No other combination burner can even come close to a simple bowl filled with ash here's why:

A Bowl Shaped Incense Burner Can Burn Virtually Any Kind Of Incense

  • It can burn nearly all types of combustible and non-combustible incense. That means practically all kinds of sticks, cones, coils, cylinders, dhoops, herbs, resins, aromatic wood-chips, kneaded, loose, powdered, and granulated incense.

  • The bowl is the ultimate in multi-functional or combination burners! Whether you're new to the art of burning incense or you're a seasoned pro one good bowl is all you really need.

Insulation That Really Does A Stand Up Job

  • A bowl is designed to hold nonflammable insulating material (e.g. natural ash, sand, decorative stone, gravel). These materials help insulate the incense burner against excessive heat and help it last for years. (i.e. charcoal tablets can burn at up to 1500 F.)

  • The insulating material will hold or support whatever incense you choose to burn. Just place cones, coils, dhoop, charcoal, resins, etc. on top of it. Or push your stick incense into the ash and they'll stand straight up. And the ash from the burning incense will fall into the bowl.

It Breathes, It Grows, It Virtually Lasts Forever: Natural Ash You Gotta Love It!

  • Unlike sand, stone or gravel, natural ash permits incense materials like charcoal tablets and makko to breathe from all sides for a complete and uniform burn.

  • Cones, coils, and other pieces of solid incense will also burn completely on a bed of ash.

  • With a little practice, you can even burn a whole stick of incense (no bamboo core) up right in ash with virtually no waste. The trick is to wiggle the incense stick slightly after inserting it in the ash. When done skillfully, this will leave a little pocket of air next to the incense stick which will allow it to burn longer, if not completely. Certainly a nice trick to know especially if you have a "taste" for premium incense.

  • Charcoal can be placed in the ash and lightly covered, and loose incense or incense wood can be placed to the side or even on top. This indirect burning method slowly "heats" the incense (instead of smoldering it) gently scenting the space.

  • Ash adds to itself. The ash from burnt incense can just be mixed with the ash already in the bowl. So there's no need to empty your burner every time you use it. If it gets too full, simple remove some ash and store it for future use.

  • With a little care, ash will last indefinitely. To keep your ash flowing like silk run it through a hand flour sifter occasionally. This will remove any pieces of debris and it will break down any clumps.

  • If your ash begins to take on an "ashy" type odor, sift it, place it in a foil lined baking tray and heat it in a 350 degree oven for about 12 minutes. After it cools put it back in you incense burner. The funky smell will be gone and it will be nice and silky again.

Great Functionality & Pleasing Design

  • A bowl with a wide opening at the top makes a great incense burner. It allows for easy access and good air circulation.

  • A traditional 3-leg design gives an incense burner a stable base that will help dissipate heat that may build up in the bottom of the censer.

  • An incense burner's aesthetic qualities will add to the overall incense burning experience. Bowl burners come in lots of beautiful colors.

  • If cared for properly, a heat resistant bowl shaped incense burner (i.e. metal or ceramic) will still look great after years of service.
Related Articles:
Burning Incense Sticks, Cones, Flat Coils, Hanging Spirals, Dhoop (Dry & Moist)
Burning Non-Combustible Incense: Loose, Powdered & Granulated
Match Making 101: A Guide To Incense & Incense Burners
Incense Safety Tips

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